Is Magnesium good for sleep?

Is Magnesium good for sleep?

Does magnesium really help you sleep? Is it good as a sleep aid? With all the misinformation out there about sleep aids and so-called super-vitamins, it can be really hard to find a supplement that actually works. You may be surprised to hear, then, that magnesium is one of the few that is effective in helping you sleep. Not only does it work as a sleep aid, but it is naturally occurring in the body, and has other benefits for mental health.

Magnesium is good for more than sleep

Magnesium is a mineral that is produced in our bodies already, regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels as well as nerve and muscle function. It is one of the most crucial minerals for human function; you need enough in your system to keep your body running smoothly. Many people choose to increase their levels of magnesium by taking supplements or eating magnesium-rich foods for the purpose of helping to relieve insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Magnesium regulates neurotransmitters, which helps prepare the mind for sleep, and can reduce chronic symptoms of anxiety and depression. Magnesium is very important for bone health and protecting against bone loss. The mineral can also help with PMS symptoms, heart function, migraines, and potentially exercise performance.

It’s actually mind blowing that magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reaction in your body!! Yet research has found that possibly only 50% of Americans are getting enough in their diet. If you are concerned about being deficient look for these early signs which include loss of appetite, nausea, high blood pressure, fatigue, muscle twitches and cramps

How much do I need?

The recommended daily amount is 400–420mg per day for men and 310–320 mg per day for women.

You can increase your magnesium intake by choosing magnesium-rich foods and by taking supplements, as I mentioned above. Here are my suggestions for both!

Magnesium-rich Foods:

Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, cashews, peanut butter, edamame

As well as Spinach, black beans, brown rice, salmon, halibut, avocado and coffee

Maybe you are not getting enough in your diet? These are supplements you can also take:

Magnesium citrate

Magnesium glycinate

Magnesium orotate

Magnesium carbonate

If you have a medical condition, check with your doctor before taking magnesium supplements. Though these supplements are generally well tolerated, they may be unsafe for people who take certain diuretics, heart medications, or antibiotics.

Which type is best for Sleep?

Magnesium glycinate, a combination of magnesium and the sleep-inducing amino acid glycine, is by far the best way to consume magnesium as a sleep aid. It is taken as a supplement, and can usually be found in your local pharmacy.

If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, you have probably also considered taking — or have taken — melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body, and influences circadian rhythms (AKA, your internal clock). Melatonin is arguably better known as a sleep aid than magnesium, and is often the standard that other sleep aids are based against, as it is so widely used and advertised. So, to help you compare the two options, here are the differences between melatonin and magnesium:

  • Magnesium has been shown to increase sleep time (the number of hours spent sleeping), while melatonin increases sleep efficiency (percent of time spent in deep sleep).
  • Magnesium regulates sleep and wake cycles by helping to maintain healthy serotonin levels.
  • Magnesium reduces the time it takes for your body and brain to prepare for sleep, meaning that your body can fall asleep more quickly when you are woken at night

Studies show that magnesium supplements lowered the amount of time it took adults with insomnia to fall asleep by an average of 17 minutes. An increased magnesium intake has also been linked to an improvement in sleep quality and duration, as well as a decreased likelihood of falling asleep during the day.

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Finding the best Magnesium supplement for you

It’s always a struggle to find a supplement out there that works for your body and mind. While many different kinds of sleep aids can do the trick — and what works for you might not work for someone else.

Here are two brands that I’ve done some research on that are high quality, absorption and from reliable companies with good ratings:

Pure Lab Vitamins

  • 165mg Magnesium glycinate per capsule with maximum absorption – 300 count
    per bottle
  • 100% natural, vegan and gluten free, the highest quality ingredients
  • made in Canada

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Or if you prefer a gummy form:

Suku Vitamins

  • 177mg of Magnesium Bisglycinatein gummy form – 60 Countper bottle
  • Sugar-and-Gluten-Free, Non-Gmo, allergen and keto friendly
  • only clean ingredients: safest, highest quality in every batch

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I hope this article taught you something about a less popular sleep aid. I know it did for me and I am floored how important it is for so many body functions, and that maybe I am not getting quite enough in my own diet.

Please comment below for any experiences you may have had with taking magnesium and how it may have helped your sleep.

For now, good night, and sweet dreams!



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