How To Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally

How To Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally

Ready to transform your nightly rest into a source of unstoppable energy? I am going to share with you a few of the top ways (over 10 of them actually) to boost your energy throughout the day naturally. I get it, some days you feel like you’re dragging your feet, while other days you can spring out of bed no […]

Why should I go to bed early?

Why should I go to bed early?

They say the early bird gets the worm, but let’s be honest: many of us are not morning people. I’m a night owl. I’ve always struggled to wake up at dawn, and I still do. In my experience, having small kids forces you to become more of a morning person; you don’t have a choice. But my youngest, who has […]

Healthy sleep habits for a healthy baby

Healthy sleep habits for a healthy baby

One of the most common challenges new parents face is getting their baby to sleep. As you know from our other articles, adequate sleep is crucial for a person’s health and development, and that starts at birth! Seems like very high-stakes, doesn’t it? Make one tiny mistake in his or her training and your child’s development will be seriously affected: […]

Foods that help you fall asleep fast

Foods that help you fall asleep fast

When you eat a big turkey dinner on Thanksgiving, you may remember hearing an old wives’ tale that turkey makes you sleepy. Perhaps it’s more than consuming that huge meal that makes you feel lethargic — it could actually also be the turkey, along with other holiday favorites! There’s something in turkey called tryptophan, an amino acid that helps make […]

Why does lack of sleep affect your body performance?

Why does lack of sleep affect your body performance?

In the last couple of articles, we have explored how the impacts of lack of sleep can be detrimental to your overall health and especially to your brain health. We all know first-hand the difference in our bodies between a good night’s sleep compared to a restless night. Just one subpar sleep can leave you feeling more sensitive or easily […]

What Does Lack of Sleep do to our Brain?

What Does Lack of Sleep do to our Brain?

We’ve talked a bit about how lack of sleep affects our physical and mental health. As I touched on in the previous article, the majority of the effects of lack of sleep happen in our brain. How can we examine something so complex as the brain, and how it is affected by something as mysterious as the process of sleep? […]

How can lack of sleep affect your health

How can lack of sleep affect your health

Pulling an all-nighter sounded a lot more fun when I was a little kid. Now, as an adult who is awake until the AM’s every night, I miss that 8 o’clock bedtime! Staying up most of the night usually results in feeling real crappy the next day, but we don’t always talk about why. How can a lack of sleep […]

How is air pollution linked to quality of sleep

How is air pollution linked to quality of sleep

I feel like every time we look at the news lately, we hear some horrible story about climate change: our oceans, filling with trash; our forests, burning down; and worst of all, our air, filled with pollution. Poor air quality is one thing we’ll never be able to escape unless we live in the middle of a lush forest like […]

Is Magnesium good for sleep?

Is Magnesium good for sleep?

Does magnesium really help you sleep? Is it good as a sleep aid? With all the misinformation out there about sleep aids and so-called super-vitamins, it can be really hard to find a supplement that actually works. You may be surprised to hear, then, that magnesium is one of the few that is effective in helping you sleep. Not only […]