About EcoScape

About EcoScape

Welcome to MyEcoScape!

 Nice to meet you! I’m Eva at MyEcoScape.

 I don’t know about you, but I feel like we’ve all experienced sleep problems in one form or another.  Hours of restless nights, flip-flopping side to side, lumpy pillows, hard mattresses, maybe a loud partner sawing logs beside you — sound familiar? I know from experience how frustrating it is to be awake half the night wishing for just a little more shut-eye.

As an entrepreneur, athlete and parent, nothing is more amazing than feeling well-rested, clear, and energized. I want to help you find natural, earth-friendly options so you can perform at your optimal.

There are many ways to set up the best environment for a perfect night’s sleep: a simple wind-down bedtime routine, a comfortable mattress, supportive pillows, natural supplements, and tips from sleep experts, to name a few. The best part is that I believe this is achievable while remaining natural and Eco-responsible.

Like you, I want to do my part to care for our Earth. I try to use sustainable products wherever possible, including working toward a healthier sleep! You can rest your head easily, knowing you care for the environment, yourself, and your family.

Sustainability is so easy—you can do it in your sleep! I started MyEcoScape to share my journey as I work towards creating my perfect night’s sleep—naturally—in hopes of helping someone like you! 

We can make a better life together by making small changes. 5% of all profit will go towards a non-profit business dedicated to bettering our environment —  my word, my guarantee!

So, what do you say? Are you ready to stop relying on morning coffee for alertness and productivity?

 Let me know your sleep struggles or anything that has been a game-changer for better sleep. Questions? Leave them below, and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Sleep tight!



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