What is the best sleeping position with back pain?

What is the best sleeping position with back pain?

The worst part about insomnia — in my experience, at least — is not being able to find a good position to sleep in. You flop on your back, maybe your stomach, or your side, just knowing that you’ll wake up the next morning with the back pain of a 90-year-old professional wrestler. It almost feels pointless; why bother getting […]

Therapeutic benefits of weighted blankets

Therapeutic benefits of weighted blankets

Things feeling heavy lately? Recently, weighted blankets have come into popular use as a stress-relief tool — and, of course, a sleep aid. Originally designed for the neurodivergent community as a way to regulate mental and physical stimulation, weighted blankets are widely produced and used by all kinds of individuals hoping to regulate the stress caused by any number of […]

Yoga poses before going to sleep

Yoga poses before going to sleep

Yoga relaxes both your mind and your body, setting you up for a better night’s sleep: a mind and body free from tension can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. As I mentioned in the article “4 Easy Ways to Relax Before Bedtime”, yoga can become a crucial part of your bedtime wind down routine. Incorporating some  […]

4 easy ways to relax before bedtime

4 easy ways to relax before bedtime

This site may contains product affiliate links. I may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. You’re tired from a long day at work, or looking after kids, yet you cannot unwind once you’re in bed. There’s too much on your mind to allow you to go to sleep. Instead, you toss […]

How to Help the Environment at Home

How to Help the Environment at Home

Why not start at home? Where the majority of life happens:  spending time with your family, eating, sleeping, and all that’s in between. It may seem impossible to fight climate change from your living room, but even tiny changes to your lifestyle can have a big impact. What are those tiny changes, though? Some are not as obvious as others, […]

Natural ways to get better sleep

Natural ways to get better sleep

How can we get good, consistent night sleep? And done without sleep aids, done in the most natural way? There are many natural ways to get better sleep and I started with just 5 to get you started. It’s worth try these simple tips that may make a world of a difference to your overall daily life. This site may […]

About EcoScape

About EcoScape

Welcome to MyEcoScape!  Nice to meet you! I’m Eva at MyEcoScape.  I don’t know about you, but I feel like we’ve all experienced sleep problems in one form or another.  Hours of restless nights, flip-flopping side to side, lumpy pillows, hard mattresses, maybe a loud partner sawing logs beside you — sound familiar? I know from experience how frustrating it […]